Three Types of Web Pages That Are Guaranteed to Attract Visitors

traffic contentIt seems as if every webmaster is looking for a golden ticket that will magically boost their traffic levels and put them at the top of the search engines. While no automated turnkey answer exists, there are certain types of pages that have been proven to be more conducive to success than others. We’re not talking about the difference between PHP and HTML pages, or anything related to aesthetic web design at all. Instead, were referring to the type of written or visual content that makes up the subject matter of the page. Generally, the most visited web pages have two things in common – they’re interesting and informative. Consider publishing the following three types of web pages to attract more visitors:

Informative Guides

informations symbolInformative how-to guides are always trending heavily because most people use search engines to find answers to questions regarding specific processes. The great part about developing and publishing informative guides is that there are a seemingly unlimited amount of step-by-step walk-throughs that can apply to almost every industry, from computer technology to home improvement and even parenting, so you’ll never run out of content ideas. is a perfect example of how informative guides can attract visitors at staggering rates. When developing the content for how-to guides its best to mimic the template/layout of an eHow article, breaking down processes into clearly defined steps, and providing resource boxes at the bottom of each guide to offer additional information. You can even use such resource boxes as an opportunity to interlink related pages that contain guides on similar topics.

Relevant News

Capitalizing on the ever-changing news media that is present online is another way to ensure that your site has a consistent flow of traffic. Whether you are maintaining a sports blog, or a computer security blog, having a news section that posts rewritten versions of the latest and most trending stories will undoubtedly attract search engine traffic. Likewise, publishing relevant photographs to accommodate your new stories is a great way to attract visitors originating from Google image searches. Another advantage of posting news stories is that they are often shared on social networking sites, bringing even more traffic opportunities and attracting search engine crawlers simultaneously. A good way to stay up-to-date with the latest news in your industry is to subscribe to an RSS feed of an authority site that regularly updates their blog with the latest news content.

Entertaining Style

entertaining in stylePerhaps you’ve visited a page before that wasn’t very informative, or relevant, and yet you couldn’t stop reading! When a writer is able to incorporate captivating concepts, comedic value, and other forms of creativity into the content, a page instantly becomes 100 times more interesting. A great example of the entertaining articles that are attracting hordes of visitors are the wildly unconventional top 10 lists that combine hilarity and interesting facts to keep readers at the edge of their seats. This type of content is by far the most suitable for a social media campaign because it is shared at an incredibly fast rate. If you want a webpage to go viral it’s almost imperative to have some type of entertaining content present, whether it is written or in the form of multimedia. Even if you choose to publish one of the other two types of pages (news stories or informative guides) it’s always good to write in an entertaining style that keeps readers engaged continually. While casual/conversational writing is proffered by most readers, it is still imperative to ensure the grammatical correctness of content, as search engine algorithms have the means to detect and analyze pages that have errors.

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