How to Communicate Effectively With Web Design Clients

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I cannot stress just how important it is to communicate with your web design clients on a regular basis. Most people, especially when working with freelancers, just want to have a good understanding that work is being completed and that you care about their project and their business. When you avoid your clients or do not make yourself available to them for regular conversations, they will certainly feel like they are not cared for, and may even decide to go elsewhere during the middle of the project. Below are some ways I highly recommend new freelance web designers communicate with their clients.

#1: Do not avoid email

Email is becoming much more of a good avenue for formal communication. For this reason, I always recommend it for sending out some of the more official stuff that you may need to send out. A lot of times a notice letting the customer know that you have completed their project, or maybe even sending out contracts, this is often a very good way to give yourself an appearance as though you are very organized, which is always a great impression. Also, most people wanting a website will have an email address and you are going to find several people will enjoy interacting with you this way.

#2: Do not avoid live conversation

I have heard a lot of web design freelancers, especially ones new to the freelance scene, who are very hesitant about live conversations. Unfortunately, this is something you really just have to get over. The serious buyers will want to speak with you and often times in person. Being readily available to speak over the phone is very important to a lot of clients of mine, and I’m sure it’s not uncommon. If you avoid those phone conversations, you will likely miss out on your biggest buyers and repeat business that helps you cash in on clients in the long run.

#3: Provide your contact information to potential clients upon meeting them

I personally do not think there is anything less professional than coming to a meeting and not having your contact information available. I am not saying you have to have 1000 business cards made up, and business cards are not always required. There have been times where I have not had them and when I got started I had a little standard sized sheet of paper with the important information on it. Generally it was my name, my business name, phone number, email address, website, portfolio information, etc. If you feel like you have too much room, put a few pieces of your best work on it to make it more professional looking and to entice potential clients to use your services. It doesn’t have to be anything specific, but tearing off a piece of notebook paper and putting your name and phone number on it is less than convincing that you are serious about your business.

#4: Use their preferred method

Lastly, I want to bring up the importance of being prepared to use your new clients preferred method of contact. It varies a lot of times. Sometimes people will not send you emails, they would just rather call you. Other times, people won’t want to speak on the phone or send emails, they would rather send casual text emails. Often times that personalization of contact you have with them will set you apart from other competitors who may be fighting for their business. I have worked with clients through a wide variety of mediums whether it is texts, email, phone, instant messengers, or anything else. I think that personal touch you can put in there will be very beneficial!

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