3 Skills Required for Running a Web Design Business

A lot of people feel that if they have opened up Photoshop, they have figured out how to type a few letters, and know how to draw boxes, this makes them a good web designer. Unfortunately, it requires a little bit more than basic knowledge in Photoshop to run a real web design business. Below are a few things that are really needed when it comes to running a web design business.

#1: Good Organization

First and foremost I think good organizational skills are an absolute must. If you haven’t done so already, start with good file management practices. Good file management practices will certainly help you stay organized and on task when you are working. Also, when people come to visit your office, whether at home or wherever, you want to make sure that you give the appearance that you are organized and have good business practice in terms of organization. If you have the index.html file tucked away inside of your C:\ where all of your movies and video games are, it just looks unprofessional. Try creating a folder labled “web design” then have sub-folders underneath that for each client giving good and accurate naming practices so you can easily find it.

A tip, when I know someone is coming to visit or for projects I am immediately working on, I will place an underscore just before the folder name. This keeps it directly at the top so I can easily find it and access it.

#2: Good Communication

I think it is very important to have good communication skills when owning a web design company. What you will find is that people somewhat expect you to give them your sales pitch on why they should use you. You don’t have to go into “snake-oil salesman” mode, but you should highlight what separates you from your competition.

Also, computer geeks, I’m sorry, web designers, have a pre-conceived notion from others that aren’t talented in web design that they are fairly quiet, that they do not interact with others, and that they just generally are people who sit behind a computer all day avoiding people in general. This may be true for you, but it’s not true for a lot of web designers out there and you almost have to fight that idea to combat it. My recommendation is that you keep in contact with your clients. If you haven’t spoken to them in about a week, shoot them an email or a text message letting them know that you are working on their project. They will appreciate updates!

#3: Desire to Keep Improving

Constant improvement in web designUnfortunately, a lot of people stop their desire to learn. The bad news with that is that the web design world is constantly changing. You may have a good grasp on Photoshop and you may have some HTML skills. However, I can remember back in the day when I had the old style of web coding. I was using the dreadful tables in order to produce my layouts. This is the way things were done back in the early 2000’s by a lot of people. I literally just did it that way because I was more familiar with it and felt comfortable with it. The problem was that while I felt comfortable with it, the web design world began to pass me by. Soon, Google and other faces you want to please with your coding ability came out with statements that tables were not to be used for layouts, but rather only used for its intended use which was to store data on a page. Pretty soon, I found myself backed against the wall. I lost a few clients because my inability to adapt to the new technology that I hadn’t yet learned. If I would have stayed up to date with the standards and the new features that HTML offers, it would have saved me a lot of time and money in the long run!

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