IndoVirtue VPS

IndoVirtue quaterly special on 512m VPS

IndoVirtue as some prices that we consider as cheap in todays market. They offer Las Vegas, US and Singapore located VPS, here are the prices:

512 MB RAM, 32MB vSwap
20 GB SSD Storage
1 vCPU Core
1000 GB Bandwidth
$8/quarter. Order Here

They also have a 5$ offer in the US which consist of 1Gb of ram Virtual private server, see here:

1024 MB RAM
40 GB Pure SSD
2 vCPU Core
2000 GB Bandwidth
$5/month. Order Here

They also have bigger vps, see here

Their Budget Singapore OpenVZ SSD VPS line of product and pricing structure is a bit different, here is the cheap VPS offer in Singapore:

512 MB RAM, 32MB vSwap
20 GB SSD Storage
1 vCPU Core
1000 GB Bandwidth
$5/month. Order Here

For the rest of their SSD VPS based in Singapore, see here

Cheap Linux VPS