IndoVirtue as some prices that we consider as cheap in todays market. They offer Las Vegas, US and Singapore located VPS, here are the prices:
512 MB RAM, 32MB vSwap
20 GB SSD Storage
1 vCPU Core
1000 GB Bandwidth
$8/quarter. Order Here
They also have a 5$ offer in the US which consist of 1Gb of ram Virtual private server, see here:
1024 MB RAM
40 GB Pure SSD
2 vCPU Core
2000 GB Bandwidth
$5/month. Order Here
They also have bigger vps, see here
Their Budget Singapore OpenVZ SSD VPS line of product and pricing structure is a bit different, here is the cheap VPS offer in Singapore:
512 MB RAM, 32MB vSwap
20 GB SSD Storage
1 vCPU Core
1000 GB Bandwidth
$5/month. Order Here
For the rest of their SSD VPS based in Singapore, see here